
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sunlight our future

So, we all know that using crude oil for feeding our civilization has several environmental, social and economical cons. Looking for a viable, clean and cheap source of energy is an imperative. Solar energy has been seen for a long time as promising replacement for petroleum, but, how feasable is to use it?

Parabolic dishes in Almeria, Spain, used to obtain solar energy. Photo by the Sandia National Laboratory.

Well, solar power is still vigorous, at least according to iSuppli, a market research firm. Thru a press release, iSuppli states that the market for this kind of energy is expected to grow more than 40% in 2011 compared to this year. However, solar energy market has shrunk compared to 2009, when it grew almost 98% compared to the precedent year.

Graphic by iSuppli

Recently, the South African government anounced that they are building the biggest solar energy plant ever constructed. As well, Europe will have its biggest solar energy plant in Italy.

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